Project “Remote Sensing Forest Risk Factors Monitoring System (ForestRisk)”.
Agreement with the Central Finance and Contracts Agency No.
Project budget: 431 726 EUR
Project implementation period: March 1, 2022 - November 30, 2023
SIA Baltic Satellite Service cooperates with the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science and the Latvian State Institute of Forest Sciences “Silava” and implements the ForestRisk project.
Forest owners need early detection of forest stress to make quick decisions about the necessary measures to prevent its causes. Owners of large forest areas regularly monitor the condition of the forest. This is done with in situ inspections, which are expensive and limited in terms of the size of the plots to be analyzed. For these reasons, forest stress is in many cases detected too late, causing more serious damage and associated damage. Rapid testing of evolving remote sensing technology would reduce costs and provide further information on the state of all forest resources. The approach proposed in the project is to carry out a superficial analysis of forest areas, which are freely available for satellite data (Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2), in order to identify regions associated with stressors, followed by a thorough analysis of these areas. obtained. using drones and processing them using special software tools.